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So far we know about the past history of today’s Sanchaya, Reverend Henry Dancan known as father of Sanchaya was first established Sanchaya Bank at a Church of Scotland in the year of 1810.  Sixty five years back since the 1st world war, small savers were motivated in savings publicly by Jatio Sanchaya Sangstha in England. After the end of the world war, Jatio Sanchaya Sangstha played an important role in the national economy in England. To motivate people and to reduce the inflation of money caused by the 2nd World war in this subcontinent, Jatio Sanchaya Sangstha first started functioning in the year of 1944 under the Finance Ministry in India. Head office of this Sangstha was situated at Simla in India.


Henceforth, in 1947 after the partition of the subcontinent, activities of Jatio Sanchaya Sangstha was placed under the Finance Ministry of the then Government. After the independence of Bangladesh through the bloody freedom fight, in 1972 with the initiative of father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman, Directorate of National Savings was established.


Then after long 42 years in 2014 in the month of February, Directorate of National Savings is upgraded to Department. Department of National Savings (NSD) is an attached department of Internal Resources Division under the Ministry of Finance.